compact disc recordable drive [CD recordable drive] 可记录光碟机
compact disc rewritable drive [CD rewritable drive] 复写光碟机
DE-ME-Drive (decoding memory drive) 译码存储驱动器
diesel-electric drive [= diesel electric drive 柴油机电力推进; 柴油机电力驱动
Diskette Drive, Floppy Disk Drive FDC 软盘驱动器
drive axle drive shaft 驱动桥驱动轴
drive axle drive shaft bolt 驱动桥驱动轴螺栓
ground drive axle drive shaft 地面驱动桥驱动轴
ground drive pump drive shaft 地面驱动泵驱动轴
pump drive gearbox drive 泵传动齿轮箱驱动件
pump drive gearbox drive belt 泵传动齿轮箱驱动皮带
pump drive gearbox drive sheave 泵传动齿轮箱驱动带轮
six-wheel drive transfer drive 六轮驱动传动装置
TREK Thumb Drive (e-Bar Drive) 霹雳碟
a giant canopy 巨型天幕
aeroconical canopy 心肌肌钙蛋白I; 圆锥形座舱罩
aerodynamical canopy scheme 动力冠层方案
air temperature of the canopy 林冠气温
arch canopy 拱形罩篷
biased construction parachute canopy 斜缝式降落伞衣